Penn-Dutch Great Pyrenees Club

Applying for Membership

Dear Applicant,

The Penn-Dutch Great Pyrenees Club shares your enthusiasm for the Great Pyrenees Breed and welcomes you to become involved in our Club's activities. Among the Club's objectives are:

To function as an information and support network dealing with all aspects of Great Pyrenees ownership, i.e., health, training, showing, breeding, etc.

To further these goals, we invite you to attend Club meetings, Fun Matches, and participate in events such as the yearly Canine Learning Experience in Allentown, PA.

Per the Club's By-Laws, the rules for application and membership are as follows:

Eligibility. Membership shall be open to all persons, sixteen years of age or older, who are in good standing with the American Kennel Club and who subscribe to the objectives of this Club.

While membership is to be unrestricted as to residence, the Club's primary purpose is to be representative of the Great Pyrenees fanciers, owners, breeders, and exhibitors in Eastern Pennsylvania and immediately adjacent areas not served by an existing organization.

There shall be three types of regular membership:

Full Membership. Full Members shall be entitled to all rights and privileges: voting, the holding of office, etc., of the Club.

Associate Membership. Associate Membership is intended for those interested persons, not residing in the Club's geographic area, who wish to remain informed of and support the Club's activities. Associate Members shall not have the privileges of voting or of holding office and shall pay dues at a lower rate than that set for Full Members.

Junior Associate Membership. Junior Membership is open to children between the ages of 10 and 16 who have a parent or relative in good standing with the Penn-Dutch Great Pyrenees Club, and who agree to follow the Associate Member guidelines in the Club Constitution.

Each application shall either be read at the first Club meeting or published in the first Club newsletter, whichever comes first, following its receipt. In the event that any member should have an objection to an applicant, he/she should set forth his/her reason in writing and deliver it to the Secretary within 30 days of the above meeting or publication. The objection shall be entertained at the next Club meeting and the applicant accepted only by a 2/3 affirmative vote of the Full Members present. Applicants who have been rejected may re-apply for membership six months after the rejection. If no objection to the applicant is made, the applicant shall be accepted for membership effective immediately upon the expiration of the term for objections as specified above.

Upon receipt of their application forms and dues checks, applicants shall be accorded all privileges of membership except voting during the period allowed for objections.

If you would like to join Penn-Dutch, please begin by reading the Code of Ethics. Then print out the application form, fill it out and forward it, along with your check for dues, to the address on the bottom of the form.

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