Links to Great Information
Great Pyrenees Club of America (GPCA), the "parent" club for Pyrs and their people
in the USA
Pyrenean Fanciers Association of New Zealand
Garden State GPC
GPC of California
GPC of Greater Chicago
GPC of Puget Sound
GPC of the Southeast
GP Assoc. of Southern California
Heart of Ohio GPC
Mile High GPC
National Capital Area GPC
North Star GPC
Penn-Dutch GPC
Pyrenean Fanciers of the Northeast
Penny Pyrbred's Web Page, the place for Penn-Dutch humor and gossip
Impyrial Great Pyrenees, Karen Justin's truly "impyrial" site
Livestock Guardian Dogs, presents information from the LGD-L chat list.
Izarra Great Pyrenees, includes lots of great Pyr photos from north of the border in BC
Infodog, providing on-line information about dog shows
PA Federation of Dog Clubs, reports on legislative concerns
PyrNet-L. E-mail with the following command in the BODY of the message: SUBSCRIBE PYRNET-L. Do NOT put your name in the message!
Pyr-L. E-mail with the following command in the BODY of the message: SUBSCRIBE PYR-L yourfirstname yourlastname.
Pyrspectives. For more information and instructions on joining, click here.
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